Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bonfire Anyone?

The other morning I woke up and looked out our window to see the birch tree laying on the back of the van and the hood of the car. Luckily the van is being fixed and we can live with the dents on the hood. We are so greatful to my Father-in-Law for cutting the tree into logs, to my Dad for helping the kids haul the wood to the backyard, and my brother Eric for taking what was left in the front yard. You guys are great!

This was taken at 5am when we saw what happened.

 The kids brougth all of the logs down all by themselves!

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Our beautiful baby boy is finally here! He was actually born 11 days early, but I felt like i was 13 months pregnant. He entered the world on Friday, September 10, 2010 at 6:40pm. He was born 9lbs 3oz and stands 20.5" tall. For those of you who love the know the details, scroll past the pictures to get the scoop. For those who would rather not hear the good, bad, and ugly, enjoy the pictures!
Shawn and Evie helping me through a contraction.
 Watch out world! I'm here!
 My big boy!
 Taken shortly after birth.
 Jude has a brother!!!
 We sang happy birthday to baby Joe and ate birthday cake.
 The cutest baby Joe in the world.
 The ever expanding Tyler Family.
 Now Maria has a real life doll.
 The Fantastic Four!
 Going on our first outing at 3 days old.
 Maria loves her baby brother sooo much!
 8 days old
Birth Story
The morning of September 10 I woke up to do my routine bathroom visit. This time things were different...I was showing signs that I was dilating. This was a bit concerning to me because I was already 4cm at my appointment the Wednesday before. I called Shawn to let him know that something was going on and I would keep him posted. I was then on a mission to get ahold of my mom so she could be with me just in case my water broke. After getting Jude ready for school, I called the midwife line and told her what was happening. She told me it was best if I went to the hospital. I called Shawn and told him to meet me at the hospital and my mom, Maria, and I headed down to Woodwinds (after dropping Jude off at school) hoping this was "it"!

9:30am Arrive at Woodwinds. Midwife checks me and says I am 6-7cm dilated. That means I'm staying!!

10:00am Go to water birth room and prepare to deliver in the tub.

11:00am Still 6-7cm. The baby wasn't quite low enough to break my water without a risk of some kind to the baby.

12:30pm We start talking about plan B. The hospital was packed with women about to deliver and someone else wanted to try a water birth. It was a race to see who would get to deliver first! I was going to be put in my own room, but had to wait until one opened up.

1:30pm I get brought to my own room. In order to help baby come down, I sat on a birthing ball.

2:40pm The midwife checks me and says the baby moved down!!! Time to break my water! Unfortunately there was maconium when my water was broken, so no water birth for me. That's fine though, I was on my way!

3:40pm After walking a million laps I finally feel a contraction! WooHoo!

4:40pm The contractions are coming regularly now. I went to my room and was using the birthing ball. It was fabulous! This time I had back labor. Shawn was right there the entire time rubbing my back. The room was quiet and dark and there was soft music on. In the rooms on either side of me I heard horrible screaming. I guess the women were pushing. I told the midwife "if they don't scream the pain is less.".

5:40pm The contractions were coming quicker and were more intense. I wasn't doing any talking in between contractions at this point.

6:30pm It was suggested I empty my bladder before I start pushing to give the baby more room to come out.

6:32pm Time to push! I don't remember how many times I pushed, but it felt like an eternity. I screamed and ever swore once! Then I remembered what I said about the women I heard screaming in the rooms next to me. Whoops! That was a humbling moment.  After a lot of encouragement from Shawn and the midwife I pushed through the horrid pain and...

6:40pm JOE WAS BORN! He shot out so fast his lungs didn't clear out very well. I  got to hold him right away. After a couple of minutes he wasn't crying like he should've been, so Shawn and the nurse took him to his tanning bed and cleaned out his lungs and got him wiped off.

Evie, my mom, and mother-in-law were the first to see him.
It was an incredible experience with the laboring and the most painful delivery of the 4 kids. I guess that's what happens when a big baby comes out fast! Joseph has been an amazing baby. He sleeps great, eats great, and is simply adorable. The kids love having him here and Evie is happy I can bend over and walk again.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Preschool, and Kindergarten, and Tantrums- Oh My!

It was a big day in the Tyler household- Evie and Jude started school! Enjoy the pictures and videos of our adventurous day.

Evie's First Day of Kindergarten

Jude's First Day of Preschool
What Maria thought of her sister and brother starting school.

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We're still here!!

It's been awhile since I have updated our blog!

Shawn and I are on the home stretch with our marathon training. To be honest, we've been slacking on the training and just want the marathon to be done with!!! We didn't consider how time consuming training would be and how difficult it would be with 2 babies. But, we're almost there- October 7 is go time! Once this has been accomplished it's one thing to be checked off of my life's list of to-do's.

Evie started dance two weeks ago. The first day she didn't participate at all. She just chewed on her hand and laid on the mat. Last class Evie was excited to see her new friends. She ran right into class and watched everyone until the last 2 minutes of class when she got to jump and get a stamp on her hand. I am thinking next week she'll participate for possibly 6 minutes and continuously work her way up to the full half hour!

Jude is getting so big! He is almost 8 months old and is pulling himself up to his knees. It is so cute and he thinks he is so cool when he does it! Jude is also babbling more. I swear he says Momma- Shawn would beg to differ!

It's interesting seeing the differences between Evie and Jude. Evie is so loud and dramatic (I wonder where she got that from??) and Jude is mellow and just takes things in. He only gets mad or cranky when he's tired or hungry.

Thanks for checking in. I plan on posting more pictures when I get a chance!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

As We Near the End...

As of today I am 37 weeks and 4 days pregnant. I have been progressing very nicely and baby Joe will soon be making his experience. This pregnancy has been simply amazing and very difficult at the same time. The hardest part about it has been being pregnant in the third trimester during the summer. Not only was it insanely hot and humid, but I also had 3 adorable, energetic children to care for who LOVE the outdoors. Needless to say, we weren't outside much unless the weather was breathable or someone else could take them out. That posed a few issues...As the cooler weather is embarking upon us and school is about to start, the days will become easier. Although I am not able to bend over, roll over, sit up, run, or really walk, and my hormones are so out of control that I don't know what my next emotion will be, I still love being pregnant. It is the most amazing feeling and state of being in the world. Baby Joe has been the least active of my pregnancies. He likes to tell me which side to sleep on at night. We have had so many opportunities to see him on ultrasound. I saw chubby cheeks and hair. The best part of being pregnant with Joe is how excited my husband and kids are to meet him. I feel like this is my first pregnancy without all of the worry.
I have been blessed with being surrounded and supported by many patient, caring, and loving people throughout my pregnancy. I can't thank you enough for all you have done for me!

Below are some pictures taken by a very good friend. Just a little something to capture the little miracle gorwing inside! Enjoy!